G- Outline the role your country has in the global food supply
-Haiti is an importer and exporter country, but majorly it imports more since it is world wide known for its lack of resources, bad management of land and for its poverty in comparison to its neighboring country: Dominican Republic.

Haiti as a trader
- "The US is Haiti's main trading partner" (economy watch)
- Haiti is one of the poorest nations in the western hemisphere
- What makes this country so poor is it's bad handling and managing of resources and inadequate infrastructure
- Haiti depends highly on only imports from the US and some other nations
- This country suffers natural disasters and therefore they import and receive donations and basically everything but they do export some products, to a small extent


Haiti doesn't export many products but the major items that this country exports "include apparel, oil, cocoa, coffee and mangoes. Nearly 70% of these exports are destined to the United States with another 9% going to the Dominican Republic and 3% to Canada. Cotton apparel, clothes made from wool and household goods dominate Haiti’s exports to the US." (economy watch)


- In terms of imports, they have declined in an significant way from
$2.107 billion in 2008 to $2.023 billion in 2009.

- The main items imported by Haiti are food, manufactured goods, machinery and transport equipment, fuel and raw materials

- Haiti basically depends on the US and what it exports, exactly 30% of Haiti’s imports come from the US

Other import partners are the dominican republic at 23.3%, Netherlands Antilles at 10.6% and China at 4.5%, according to the 2008 estimates.

- Rice and wheat, along with other food items, constitute the main items of import from the US.


- Even though Haiti imports food, this doesn't mean everyone gets to eat. This country is in food crisis, there's a lot of hunger and poverty and due to the weak management of land and resources they've ended up with nothing in comparison to its neighboring country Dominican Republic for example.
- Haiti could be a big exporter of product around the world but it isn't and it imports more than it exports and this is what it's wrong because if a country brings products in more than what they go out then they are not growing and developing as a country economically or in any way.
- This leads to crisis, economic decay, less resources and a country with more poverty and starvation

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